Wednesday 26 August 2015

Golden Tickets: "I’m willing to wear a wire and set Jesus up"

Sometimes I wonder how in this time and age when majority of people are now very ‘tear-eyed’ or streetwise another larger portion of people are still very gullible. Pardon me if I'm being too judgmental but I really have no better way of saying it other than to say that “some people are damn stupid”. Once again please pardon my choice of words.

At this stage, I’ll leave you to be the judge given the following scenario. I was going through the internet a couple of minutes ago and stumbled on an article which caught my attention with the caption “couple arrested for selling ‘golden tickets to heaven’”  and the first words that jumped out of my mouth was “what! Are people still this gullible at this time and age”?
Now check this out! The couple Tito and Amanda Watts sold the tickets on the street for $99.99 per ticket (about N21k presently), told buyers the tickets were made from solid gold and each ticket reserved the buyer a spot in heaven  once the recipients  present the tickets at the pearly heavenly gates.

Some of the questions a sane person would ask when approached with such a sale would be ‘what is the guarantee, where is the pearly gate located and how does one get there knowing that some people die and get buried or cremated or what have you?   

Speaking with a colleague of mine on the issue, he said that it was not new to him and went on to talk about how he read somewhere many years ago on how people actually bought tickets for “sins they had not committed” so that in the future when they eventually commit those sins, they can go on to use the tickets which were at the time called “indulgencies” as penitence for the remission of their sins.

According to Tito and Amanda Watts in their police statement as reported by Stuppid, Tito who showed no remorse given his exact words  I don’t care what the police say. The tickets are solid gold… it ain’t cut up two by fours I spray painted gold. And it was Jesus who give them to me behind the KFC and said to sell them so I could get me some money to go to outer space. I met an alien named Stevie who said if I got the cash together he’d take me and my wife on his flying saucer to his planet that’s made entirely of crack cocaine. You can smoke all the crack cocaine there you want… totally free. So, try to send an innocent man to jail and see what happens. You should arrest Jesus because he’s the one that gave me the golden tickets and said to sell them. I’m willing to wear a wire and set Jesus up…

However, Amanda on the other hand sounded like she was alienating herself as a full accomplice given her statement said “We just wanted to leave earth and go to space and smoke rock cocaine. I didn’t do nothing. Tito sold the golden tickets to heaven. I just watched.

Now what would you have me say? Am I hereby pardoned for making those statements at the beginning of this write-up? What are your thoughts? Are some people not really plain stupid? Police said they confiscated over $10,000 in cash, five crack pipes and a baby alligator. The couple no doubts were already 'high' on crack (if you ask me).

So what are your thoughts?

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