Thursday 3 July 2014


I suppose a lot of people (that is, those who already knew ‘whatsup’ in the 90s) would always remember Alex ‘O’ the young and vibrant chap with a lovely voice that sounded American. Even if you do not recollect, I can lay a wager on the table that you definitely would never forget the songs such as ‘do it in the name of love’, ‘Celebrate’ with the lines such as.... “make you take some time to bubble and shuffle, after all the hustle and bustle...” *winks* aha! Now I have no doubts you remember him. 
Not too long ago, I was privileged to have a meeting with him and we sure had a long talk going down memory lane and upcoming plans he has put in place. And boy! Phew!! We did have a long and interesting time chatting. It felt good seeing him again after over two decades.

Alex ‘O’ born Alex Ogugua Okoroigwe hails from Imo state, Nigeria. He was one of the top Nigerian Musicians back then. Nonetheless, even when music could barely put enough food on their tables as musicians in those early days yet they give it their all as good music was the thing for them at that time. Until he left the Nigerian shores for greener pastures, Alex ‘O’ already had four successful records and a maxi-single to his name which were released under Premier music label (then Polygram). 

Unlike many others who left the Nigerian scene to go overseas just to hustle, while abroad Alex ‘O’ went back to school to study Film and Animation; thus presently he is back and now the founder/CEO of a Music, Film and Animation production company ‘QUIETSTORM’ based in Lekki Lagos. The company is into visual effects, the post production and production as well as directing of movies and music videos. He’s currently working on a new album which will be preceded by a new single (audio and video) that will be dropping any moment from now and the song is titled, MAKE WE ROLL.

Hmm! ‘Make we roll’ according to him is a fusion of current trend of hip hop dance, and of course his evergreen R & B style of singing and delivery. The song’s audio and video which is produced by him has a lot of high tech visual effects.

We look forward to that new single and until then, let's keep 'doing it in the name of love'. 


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