Wednesday 26 December 2012

Freedom House Celebrates One of Her Own

-Sister Joyce with Niece and Daughter

On Sunday the 23rd of December 2012 the family church of Freedom House International Ministries celebrated the life of one of their own in the person of Sister Joyce Edoreh as she added another year on the day. A thanksgiving ceremony was held in London at the church premises which started with opening prayers by Pastor Olabisi Obideyi while praise and worship was taken by the birthday celebrant herself. A quick word was given by Sister Jacqueline Bwayeme which was followed by thanksgiving dance where the celebrant took to the floor while all those who were in attendance joined for over an hour in continuous praise and thanksgiving.

The praise, worship and joyful dancing in appreciation of God's faithfulness in her life kicked off with celebrant and her daughter Onome leading the thanksgiving procession. This was followed by the presentation of gifts while the guests were presented with a variety of home made delicacies of food and drinks which overwhelmed all the guests. On behalf of all those at ANDREVA SHAW here is wishing you a happy birthday and many more beautiful years ahead.


- Sister Joyce with Pastor Olabisi and members of Freedom House

See below for more pictures of Sister Joyce with family and friends

- Sister Joyce and friends

Photography by Solomon Chukwuka.

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